But now that's it's summer and I have more time on my hands, I figured I'd start getting back into the blogging swing of things. Here's a quick recap of the past six months:
I turned a quarter of a century and celebrated with some wonderful friends...

Took an amazing trip to Florida...

Celebrated Easter with the fam...

Went to my first (and certainly not my last) Yankee game of the season...

Ran in my second 1/2 marathon...
And broke my foot in the process (here I am 'dancing' at Anthony and Lindsay's wedding with my matching boot buddy)...

Helped my mom surprise my family with this little nugget...

And am still happily engaged planning our wedding...

Of course there were many exciting things in between... birthdays, trips to Baltimore and more... but these were the highlights (hopefully I'm not forgetting any!)
We're headed to the Outer Banks next week and I'll be sure to post more adventures from the trip.
Until then, enjoy your Fourth of July travels <3